HOA Committees

The Old Mill Preserve Homeowners Association, Inc. (Old Mill Preserve) Board of Directors is looking for homeowner volunteers for various committees in the association.  Below is a list of the various committees and their descriptions.  If a homeowner would like to volunteer to be on a committee contact the Management Company.

  • Members of the architectural committee maintains the aesthetic quality of our community by evaluating compliance with the CCR‘s  when considering architectural  applications. Architectural committee’s role is continual compliance with the CCR’s within our community by approving or disapproving applications based strictly on compliance or non-compliance with the CCR’s.
  • The committee will create/maintain a list of guidelines to present to Board for Approval
  • Purpose of Finning Committee: In our HOA declaration of covenants, articles of incorporation, bylaws and any rules adopted by the association we expect each homeowner to follow. When a homeowner is in constant violation; the board will recommend imposing a fine every day until that violation is resolved.
  • Members of the Fining Committee responsibility is to hold a hearing based on a Board recommendation. In the hearing the committee meets with homeowner and reviews the violation and eithers agree or disagree with the board recommendation. The board is not present and the committee ruling is final. If the violation is resolved any time before hearing, then hearing is canceled.
  • Committee members cannot be officers, directors, or employees of the association, nor can they be a spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of an officer, director or employee.
  • This committee does NOT determine the Dollar amount of fine. This committee does not enforce the rules of HOA.
  • Members of this committee would communicate information to homeowners from the Board. This can and will include HOA meeting schedule, Email newsletters about the community, Social media Updates or news, Surveys on upcoming decisions, etc..  All tools and information will be supplied to committee
  • Members of this committee would plan/coordinate Committee events. This can include community yard sales, Holidays events such as Easter egg hunt for kids, block parties, Community decorations for holidays, etc
  • Members of this committee would plan and or coordinate events focus on Changing, maintaining and or updating our community Landscape. This can include volunteers to save labor on mulching, clearing walking trails, updating plants and or flowers in common areas and trash removal /  Cleanup for our playground.
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